An incubator of women leaders

Marnie Levenson

Marnie Levenson

Marnie is a licensed therapist, certified in perinatal mental health, and offers home-based maternal wellness services through her practice, Becoming Mothers Counseling. She provides individual therapy, group support, and workshops to pregnant and postpartum women at any stage of motherhood. Originally from the midwest, Marnie relocated to Seattle where she primarily worked with women treating trauma and mood-related disorders, with a specific focus on self esteem issues. She finally settled in Redwood City, and after becoming a mother herself is passionate about finding ways to make the transition to motherhood more gentle.

What have been the hallmarks of your success?

I started my career in community mental health working with diverse populations and serious and persistent mental illness. It was quite intense, but I learned so much and with every new role I’ve narrowed down my specialty. After suffering from postpartum depression with both my children, I pivoted to maternal mental health and finally feel like I’ve landed where I want to be.

What is your recommendation for choosing a good mentor?

During my graduate training and early years of licensure I had the opportunity to work closely with a number of different supervisors, but in recent years I’ve noticed this is an area of my life and career that feels lacking. I’m looking forward to expanding my circle of mentorship and leadership opportunities. I also consider myself an intuitive decision maker and I think it’s important to remain open to the idea that everyone has something to offer. In choosing a mentor, I look for someone with positive energy, confidence in their choices, and an attitude of resilience.

What advice would you give to someone looking to grow in her career while making time for her family?

Be intentional about setting up “protected family time” - no phones, no computers and focus on the quality over the quantity of that time together. This frees up time and energy to dedicate to your work time.

What do you like to do to unwind?

I find a sense of ease through music and enjoy teaching myself to play new instruments. During the pandemic, I learned how to play the ukulele and have since taken on the steel tongue drum. I also play the violin and piano and have recently joined a song group at my local yoga studio in Redwood City.

In what areas can you give advice to other CLUB members as part of the CLUB mentoring program?

Mental Health & Wellness, Coaching, finding balance in work and motherhood

You can learn more about Marnie at

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