An incubator of women leaders

Amplify Your Influence (ZOOM)

  • 06/13/2024
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Zoom



In the modern workplace, distinguishing oneself as a leader requires more than just skill—it demands a commanding presence. Led by Kristen Brun Sharkey, a seasoned executive coach and improv enthusiast, this session unveils how improv principles can significantly enhance your influence and leadership presence. Whether you're an established leader or an emerging one, you'll learn how the spontaneity and adaptability inherent in improv can transform your approach to communication, creativity, and collaboration. Prepare for an interactive experience that will boost your confidence and equip you with innovative tools for impactful leadership.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn fundamental improv techniques to enhance your adaptability and presence in professional settings, making you more responsive and engaging
  • Boost communication confidence, using improv strategies to articulate your ideas more effectively and connect with your audience
  • Gain a toolkit of improv-based exercises you can use at any time to build your influence

Kristen Brun Sharkey is an executive coach, speaker and corporate facilitator who previously spent 15 years leading teams in advertising tech and marketing at companies ranging from early-stage startup to Fortune 100. Today she helps leaders advance their careers, make better decisions, execute change effectively, develop innovative solutions and successfully engage their teams. Her unique approach combines evidence-based business and leadership frameworks with principles and skills from improv theatre in order to help her clients and audiences accelerate their impact. She has a Master's degree in Management, Strategy & Leadership from Michigan State University and has spoken at recent conferences such as the California Conference for Women and the Chief in Tech Summit.

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