A photo collage of the women who comprise our 2016 Incubator cohort.
They each have successful careers and boundless personal potential, and continue to amaze and inspire.
Top l to r: Leedjia Svec, Sue Gong, Laura Fechete, Elizabeth DiGaetano, Judith Coley
Bottom l to r: Joselle Deocampo, Olga Mack, Anu Gali, Heather Jerrehian, Megan Jones
Read more about the program in the Fast Company article which features the efforts of Megan Jones (Hausfeld LLP), Olga Mack (ClearSlide), and CLUB Board Member and Incubator founder Laraine McKinnon (BlackRock).
For more information on the Incubator program and the 2017 program application, see www.theclubsv.org/incubator-program,
reach out to founder & co-director Laraine McKinnon, co-director and professional coach Kristi Royse and co-director and former Incubee Mindy Morton, or email us at incubator@theclubsv.org